Thursday, December 29, 2011

Housing Crisis in Australia

The disappearing Australian dream

As many as 1300 families have had their homes repossessed in the last nine months in NSW.

Reserve Bank
Despite the fact that the Reserve Bank has cut official cash rates, repossessions continue to occur.  Repayments on a mortgage of $250,000 have fallen by about $500 a month, more than enough for many borrowers to have avoided repossession. 
Why then is there such a problem? 
According to, the Reserve Bank of Australia has focused on inflation instead of the real economy and created a downturn of Australia’s own making – and the global downturn hasn’t really hit us yet.
Cost of Living Escalating
The reality is that the cost of living in Australia has continued to escalate while the incomes of ordinary Australians are not keeping pace.  Sadly, many home owners falling short by as little as $100 per week have been facing repossession.  Pity help those who are hundreds of dollars behind each month!
Could VeryGood help?
The answer is a resounding yes, but it depends on you and I getting the story out there so that the ever increasing number of cash strapped Australians can see each of us solving the cash flow problem by example.
New VG Growth Demonstrates Potential
The other week in Sydney, a Reseller invited four friends to look at becoming Reseller’s and all four of them chose to sign up.  One of those new Resellers successfully invited two new resellers, and one of those successfully invited two new Resellers. 

            The result in the space of one week:
            The first new Reseller earned $840 profit.
            The second new Reseller earned $200 profit and $320 credit towards next week’s pay
  (due to one of their new Resellers successfully inviting two new Resellers and therefore
            paying business maintenance).
The third new Reseller earned $200 profit.
Other new Resellers, successfully invited by the first new Reseller above, are in the process of inviting other new Resellers and helping them to earn substantial first pays. 

This is the true spirit of VeryGood – helping others first and as a result helping yourself.

You Hold a Powerful Key
Each of us holds a powerful key to reverse the trend of not having enough money.  It sometimes takes a long time to fully grasp the true power of people working together to achieve dreams and goals.  This need not be so as illustrated by the results above. 
The best secret of success is to help your new Resellers make money in their first week and coach them to assist others to do the same.
Initially we need to swim against the negative currents in our culture.  This is incredibly difficult in home based businesses where you have to invest a substantial amount of effort to even begin to make real money. 
This is where VeryGood is so different – you can earn a decent pay in your first week. 

Congratulations to Some New Resellers

Congratulations to Samson Knox, who on the 11th December, 2011 made a first week’s profit of $1,160, and congratulations to Suzanne Haroe who earned $840 profit for the week.
What Are The Options For 2012?
One could simply speculate on quick and easy ways of escaping financial woes.  Unfortunately there are no quick and easy ways.  However, there is an easier way than most options – it just takes commitment to do some focused VeryGood work and the willingness to ask for and receive effective guidance.
One could simply hope for a stroke of good luck to win the lottery.  Best of luck with that one as the chance of being struck by lightning is at least twice as likely!  There is a lesson for us here though.  In order to win lotto you must at least take action to buy a ticket. 
VeryGood is no lottery – it will produce for you readily but only with determined and guided effort.  None the less, where else can one put in some part-time hours (maybe even just 3 or 4 hours), and earn a pay of $200, $520, $840 or even $1,160 in your first week.
New Year’s Resolution of a New Kind.
The new-year is upon us and it is time to commit to helping ourselves by helping others first.  There is no place any more for making excuses for the fact remains that the bills keep coming in my name and in your name. 
It is time to work with like-minded people in the VeryGood business to build a successful team of very good people. 
Notice how easy it is to break a single pencil and yet you may not be able to break 10 pencils bundled together.  Team work is about finding people who seriously want to make a difference in their lives and the lives of those around them. 
And remember that making a difference in the lives of others will keep the message of good works burning long after you have made the good money you choose to make.
So what will my 2012 look like?
What will your 2012 look like?
The choice really is ours and it starts with commitment, planning and action.
Watch This Space
Watch for the new series of mind opening concepts that can help you and others use 2012 to more easily and quickly pay off your mortgages, zero credit card debt and put aside money for the things you truly need and desire.  
Like those of the above Reseller’s success stories, your story will take real form as you take to heart the VeryGood business philosophy of helping yourself by helping others FIRST. - Tell it as it is
Russell Walker & Ross Welsphman

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Baby Formula Pulled From Walmart After Infant Death

Posted: 12/23/2011 By Martinne Geller

NEW YORK (Reuters) Dec 22 - A batch of baby formula was pulled from Walmart's shelves this week after the death of a Missouri infant, the company said on Thursday.

Walmart began the process of voluntarily removing the product --

Enfamil Newborn in a 12.5-ounce can with lot number ZP1K7G -- from more than 3,000 U.S. stores late Monday night, a spokeswoman said. The product is being held pending an investigation by health officials.

The newborn died on Sunday, according to local media reports, after he was taken to the hospital for appearing lethargic and displaying what his family said were signs of a stomach ache.

The infant tested positive for Cronobacter, a type of bacteria that has sometimes been linked to rare illnesses in newborns.

The bacteria have sometimes been found in infant formula, health officials said.
Mead Johnson Nutrition, the company that makes the Enfamil brand formula, said it was confident that all of its products are safe when prepared, stored and used according to the label instructions.

"The batch of our product used by the child's family tested negative for Cronobacter when it was produced and packaged, and that has been reconfirmed from our batch records following this news," Mead Johnson spokesman Chris Perille said.

The company said health officials will be testing any formula consumed by the baby, the water used to prepare it and other environmental sources that could be related to the cause of death.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Movember and VeryGood!

How did the Movember movement grow from two friends to thousands in just a couple of years, and now millions around the world?

This story has significant implications for our VeryGood businesses.

Read on for detail:
Movember has not long passed, and most of the mo’s (moustaches) have been removed.  However, the spirit of the Movember Foundation forges on for the purpose of raising money for its men’s health partners beyond blue and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
How did it come about that each year during November there’s an increasing number of moustaches appearing around the world? It all began back in 2003 with a dare between Luke Slattery and his good friend Travis.

Blokes being blokes, Luke and Travis challenged each other to do something that has been very unfashionable for generations of young men coming to age over the last 30 years.  They dared each other to grow a moustache during the month of November!

They then decided to extend the dare to a few mates, but knew they would have to be persuasive and therefore needed to have a purpose.

They recalled that the mother of a friend ran garden parties to raise money for breast cancer, and this was the catalyst for them coming up with the idea of raising funds for prostate cancer.

As time passed, the idea of Movember spread by word of mouth.  Within a few years they were incredibly busy with speaking engagements, and at the end of 2005 they were working full time at the project.

Millions took up the "dare"

Quite simply, Movember had started with a conversation between two friends, and was then shared with 30 more friends.  From there it has spread dramatically across Australia and to the world.  Millions of people have now participated in Movember.

The word of mouth
Word of mouth when used to pass on something of value, something that enriches relationships and linked to what friends can do when they become a team, is exceptionally powerful. 

This principle applies 100% to our VeryGood businesses.  The places where VeryGood is taking off ‘like a Bondi tram’ are those were the principles illustrated by the Movember story are most active.

Our Conviction
Firstly there is conviction that VeryGood is more than a business.  It is a vehicle for positively changing the lives of ordinary people in good and extraordinary ways.  “Helping yourself by helping others first” runs contrary to the way society generally works.  But when it is practised with conviction amazing things happen!

We see strong glimpses of this when the Aussie spirit emerges during times of natural disasters.  Looking out for your neighbour is a principle that has changed lives since the beginning of time.

The conviction pays

This last week a brand new reseller grasped this concept and helped five others to become a part of VeryGood.  He has just changed the lives of those five people, and in so doing is staggering under the reality of receiving a payment of $1,160 profit for his first week! 

This news is spreading rapidly, and others are recognizing and embracing the opportunity.  This is happening in a sustainable and responsible way with new people being helped and trained into success.

The challenge today
I challenge myself, and invite you to take up the same challenge.  Great things are very possible!

Watch this space for more news, and watch for new business-building tools appearing on the website. - Tell it as it is
Russell Walker & Ross Welsphman

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Our Parents

Dear friends

As Christmas is approaching, it’s often the time when Christians reflect upon the birth of Jesus whilst some plan to welcome the New Year.

Without a doubt, millions of people will reminisce the year that is about to pass us forever.

There is so much that I could reflect upon 2011, and I have made a series of video clips that would help us get a better life. The first video in the series will be about our parents.

Reflect upon those beautiful words which are not written by me but I hope one day we would know the real author and say a very big THANK YOU personally.

Please stay tuned for the next video release that tells the 4-year journey of and the growing momentum that is now taking place in PNG and Indonesia.

Without a doubt, for those who have done the business in VG, they have harvested well, and for those who have been purchasing products for their own consumption, there have been savings; and for those who are all ready to build more business through the sales of Reseller Programmes, that will be a bigger payout with long term remuneration.

Please use an earphone to savor the music that accompanies those words and pictures in this video below.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012.

Warmest regards
Reginald LEE